Sunday 7 September 2008

Journal jottings

In one of Paulo Coelho's books (was it The Alchemist?) the hero sets forth on his quest and journeys long only to return home and find that what he sought had been there all the time. The Portal of Transcendence is within our own hearts. The heart is the doorway into all that is -- we were always 'Home'.

When we are young the sage advice of elders is usually unheeded. We need to go out, explore, discover the truth for ourselves. Our own experience, our own journey is essential. We have to discover and 'know' the truth from within, to experience it. We can listen to the wisdom of the Elders but until it strikes an inner chord it will remain a concept rather than a truth. The wisdom we seek  is always within us and the best teachers and masters simply remind us of this and gently guide us to discovery.

The Hero's Journey, the great stories and sagas, the zodiac, the tree of life, the chakras etc. are all 'maps' for the journey. We pass each stage or gateway by stepping from ignorance through understanding and finally the initiation into Knowing. Then we proceed until we reach the next gateway. Gateways may be age markers, lifestage markers, whatever -- but for each of us life is a journey, a pilgrimage, that leads us to ourselves. 

1 comment:

sufox said...

So here's my most recent bit of finding the truth for myself, sparked a desire to contribute to this blog. I thought 'Oh, I have to have a funny name too, if I want to do that.' Moments of toe turning inwards embarrasment and self consciousness. When meditating, decide to ask the guys upstairs for a name and immediately one follows another, but both silly names from a place in my little old self. Discard them , promise to wait for the third, let go and get on with meditating. After a while my back tires so I lie down, and, inevitably, drift into dream state. Wake with an adrenaline jolt: two men, red neck types, have been talking to me when my eye is caught by something on the right - ascending wide steps cut into the rock and the foliage on either side flickering with flame. Burning land. Is this my name? I fall asleep. On waking, I'm pleased with the sounds of the words, but a bit uncomfaortable with the appocalyptic connotations. Revisiting the image, I see that the flames are in the air - burning air? My astrologocal chart is top heavy with fire and air...........I dance with tongues of flame for a while, feeling awkward with the Cassandra prophetic qualiy - claircognisance, yes, clairvoyance, no, not my forte. Finally I check with a pendulum. Burning air it is. A writing name found within myself - as Condor describes.