Tuesday 16 September 2008

Full moon and Lehmann's bank

Last night I sat with one eye on the glorious full moon shining above the trees at the bottom of the garden and the other eye on the TV screen and the news about the collapse of a major world bank. My lovely partner, who's very good with money energy, wanted to discuss moving savings around, putting it somewhere safe. I don't like talking about money; it scares me, but not as much as it used to. I wanted to go outside and stare at the moon's fat white face. In the end I did neither, but watched a programme on cooking with autumnal food. Food energy I'm good with. I guess we all ground in different ways.
This morning sitting in meditation my lower chakra were all wobbly, not happy. Was this me or my energies reacting to what's happening on the surface of the earth, with money, security, safety in question? But when I got to the crown, there they were, the guys upstairs, shining away reassuringly and even brighter than usual.
A lot of the awakening / ascension process teachings and chanellings seem to be saying we must focus on the light, let the old ways fall away, that they no longer serve but it seems to me that we have to keep an eye on both. It's as important, i think, to look at and acknowkedge our fears and take care of them and then look to the light, however we do that.
Me? Today I'm going to buy some National Savings bonds and remember that the conkers, little brown jewels on the path as I walked in the park, will always be there, each September, regardless of the state of the economy. And I'll make a mushroom lasagne.

1 comment:

condor said...

I love the way you're integrating the different energies into your day. Mushroom lasagne sounds good...mmm.

The Full Moon energies were difficult ones for me this time and stirred up some emotional sludge that was uncomfortable but insightful and ultimately resolved - on this turn of the spiral, anyway. The bank collapse stirs up old issues of lack and fear of poverty.

I agree that we need to acknowledge and take care of the fear as it is a natural survival mechanism and has value but sometimes it gets distorted and manipulated by the media. I'm still learning to be more in my heart and to remember to be grateful for all my experiences - even if they seem to be heavy going at the time. On a concept level, I can say that fear cannot exist in the same place as love and sometimes this is my reality. Sometimes I'm entirely 3D human and food energy is very comforting!